Sunday, 18 October 2015

The travel essentials

This Friday I am travelling with my school to Berlin in Germany which will then be followed by an overnight coach journey to Krakow in Poland. This is going to be a moving and emotional trip as we are visiting locations such as Auschwitz and the Berlin wall; it is certainly guaranteed that it will be an eye opening experience. So in preparation for this trip I have been frantically shopping to buy clothes and holiday necessities . Here are some essentials which everyone needs when on a trip:

Dry hair shampoo- When you are away you don't want to be wasting your time washing your hair, however when you look back at snapshots you also don't want to have greasy hair. Dry hair shampoo is perfect to maintain clean hair when away and also adds extra volume!

Compressed deodorant- Obviously when you are away you want to stay refreshed and smell pleasant, compressed deodorant is the best as it is not only environmental friendly it also takes up less room in the suitcase!

Adapter- When away in a foreign country an adapter is a NECESSITY! Obviously you want your phone charged and electrical appliances like straighteners to work. With the change in plug socket you must remember to pack an adapter.

Sweets- When on the plane or travelling you most likely want to have a sweet in your mouth, especially if you are on the plane you would want some sweets to suck on to stop yours ears popping.

 Eye make up remover- Even when you are away you have to remember to remove your make-up!

Cleansing water- This is the best formation of a cleanser to bring away as it is light on the skin and makes the process of removing make up quick and simple.

Hair bands- These always go missing so quickly so I always take a packet as when I am away I usually want my hair out of my face.

What are your essentials to bring away on holiday?

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