Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Bee happy


I was fortunate enough to receive this little bundle of items as a gift for my birthday. Bath bombs always are a treat for me and as I have never used a lush shampoo I was eager to use all of these delights. I am also a massive fan of the packaging(wrapping with bees on it) as I can re use for other people's presents. I thought I would share my opinions of these products with you:

-Fairly traded honey- As I previously mentioned I have never used a lush shampoo before and therefore this 'honey' shampoo was certainly a good one to start with. As you can probably guess one of the ingredients in the shampoo is honey and I think this gives it a honey/caramel scent. I was surprised at how sparingly I had to use this product as one crisp size amount is enough to create a large lather.

-Honey bee- This bath bomb contained aloe Vera and therefore I left my water with my skin feeling smooth like silk. It made my bath water yellow and had a very light scent. I was surprised that when I exited the bath there bomb left what looked like sand in my bath, nevertheless it was a great spring like bath bomb.


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